We are filming in Art 3 in Rathmore at 3pm. We are going to film chronologically. We will to record the entire film in one 30 minute session. Ciarán Hines and Aaron Esteban are the two actors in this film and Eoin McCoy will be the cinematographer and editor. Aaron has written the treatment and drawn the storyboard, and Ciarán has written the script. The actors will be wearing the Rathmore uniform during filming, however Ciarán will be looking disheveled with his tie loose, top button undone and blazer off. The props necessary for filming will be a piece of paper to throw at Ciaran and a cup of coffee.
We could not complete filming on day 1 due to time constraints. We were able to film a complete rough draft of the film on day 2 and see what we have to fix on the final film. It went well, we finished up to the final scene, which is what we were aiming for. We might need a 3rd day, as the lighting slightly differs from day 1. All the props and costumes were the same, so continuity was not a problem, however a coffee cup was in different places in different scenes which slightly affected continuity. We also added a montage scene to add a professional edge to the film.
This was our final day of filming, where we tidied up most of the film to make it more fluid and more professional. We added more fluid scenes, with less cuts to make it look better. Also we fixed the scenes where the coffee cup was in the wrong place, and re-filmed scenes where the setting sun shining in messed with the white balance of the shot. Although there were very slight continuity errors, we are pleased with the shots we managed to pull off and for an early film believe we did very well.
Shooting Location